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To Prescribe or Not to Prescribe

09/02/2017, 12:30

NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group continuously reviews the services it commissions or “buys” to ensure that the local health budget is spent as effectively as possible. The CCG is proposing to stop prescribing treatments and medicines for short-term, minor conditions or where there is not enough evidence that they improve symptoms or where they aren't value for money. Many of these medicines are now widely available over the counter (in pharmacies or shops) at a low cost price or cheaper than an NHS prescription. It currently spends £663,042 a year on prescriptions for items that are available over the counter for self-care and wants your views on its proposals to these prescriptions in the future. Please return to: NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG, Fusion House, Evolution Park, Haslingden Rd, Blackburn BB1 2FD The Lancashire Telegraph ran this: www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/15079060.Family_doctors_looking_to_end_prescriptions_for_minor_illnesses_to_save_money/   Log onto www.blackburnwithdarwenccg.nhs.uk/getinvolved to give your feedback or telephone 01254 282211 or email communications@blackburnwithdarwenccg.nhs.uk to arrange for a copy of the survey to be sent to you in the post.


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